Anhörungen und Vorträge
Investitionen stärken und Steueraufkommen schützen
Deutscher Bundestag, Finanzausschuss, Öffentliche Anhörung am 06. Nov. 2023 Hier können Sie das PDF herunterladen
European Withholding Tax for a Fair Tax System
European Parliament, Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC), Public hearing on ‘A European Withholding Tax Framework’, Brussels, 27 October 2021.
Faire und einfache Vermögensbesteuerung durch Besteuerung aller Wertsteigerungen.
attac, 20. Nov. 2021
Efficient prevention of CUM/EX fraud, regulatory solutions to end dividend arbitrage
Discussion at the European Parliament, 3 June, 2021, organized by MEP Sven GIEGOLD A comparison of claims for reimbursement with actual tax payments can safely and easily prevent unlawful capital gains tax refunds. Additional reporting and liability obligations, as provided for in the German law, would then not be necessary.