
  • Upgrading the Grid for Wind Energy

    Optimization Before Reinforcement Before Building New Lines. Workshop Proceedings, Session CG3: Transmision of Wind Power. European Wind Energy Conference 2009, Marseille, 16-19 March 2009. Download (PDF)

  • Financial crisis and wind power development

    European Wind Energy Conference, After-dinner-speech atwindcomm dinner, Marseille/France, 16. März 2009. Manuskript (PDF)

  • Meteorological Data Base for the Use of Wind Energy

    In: Implementing Agreement for a Program of Research and Development of Wind Energy Conversion Systems – Integration of Wind Power into National Electricity Supply Systems, commissioned by the International Energy Agency, Paris, January 29/30, 1981. KfA-Jül-Spez. 108, April 1981, S.1-16.

  • Kabel oder Freileitung?

    Eine gesamtwirtschaftliche Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse von Trassenführung und Verkabelung. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 34. Jg. (1984), Heft 10, S. 814-818 (mit D. Gröhn und G.M. Obermair).
